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22, female

  Pesky Urchin

Tavros Nitram

Posts: 7

Beep beep, RC comin' through!

from RelativelyCool on 10/14/2015 04:45 AM

A'ight then, let's do the introduction shtick here.
 My name is RC, more commonly known as Relatively/Relevantly Cool or the spooky name of Resinous Cadaver.
 I am 13 years old, my birthday is March 14 (That day was Pi Day this year so it makes me special) and I am currently living in Argentina!
 I really love winter and fall since coldness is basically the best thing ever, while I despise the unwelcoming heat of spring and summer. Summer can go fuck itself.
 If you ever try to befriend me and talk to me, just keep in mind that I will most likely crack out a joke or two in the most inconvenient times. Someone died today and I will say a very large amount of puns about it.
You have been warned.
 Fav. Potato chips: Probably sour cream and onion. Also spicy stuff.
Fav. Band: I do have an interest in Caravan Palace, Fallout Boy and Detektivbyrån. Does the Homestuck bandcamp count as a band??
Job: Part time shitposter.
 What got you into Homestuck: I was playing on a server on Minecraft and there was this one guy who said a lot of Hiomestuck references. He told me to read it and three months of not reading it and almost three years later, here I am in all of my trashy glory.
 I have a lot of fucking OTPs but my main ones are Stridercest, DirkRoxy, DirkJake, DirkJane, DavespriteHal and basically any ship that involves a Strider.
Oh and also JohnRezi, PM/Bec Noir, DirkKat and VrisRezi. 

"I believe one of the most valuable lessons that comes with growing up is gaining the wisdom that gently informs you when it's time to retire a meme." - Rose Lalonde, 2015.


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