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31, Männlich

  Pesky Urchin

Moderator Karkat Vantas Latula Pyrope

Beiträge: 83


von LimeSheep am 16.10.2015 06:21

so as you may have known, initially badges were being handed out for posting in/creating an appreciation thread for a character. this ended up petering out pretty soon. the badges still exist, but they're going to have a much different purpose now.

welcome to achievements. youll find that the badges you previously earned have for the most part disappeared, giving you a chance to now earn them legitimately.

there are currently 14 achievements (and 1 hidden that i dont expect anyone to actually earn).
the exact methods for earning them will not be posted here, but some of them wil be pretty easy to guess. some, youll likely undertand only once you have them.

collect all the achievements and get a cool prize: the prize is having all the achievements

feel free to discuss;

agender, no pronouns. none of them. just say my name

read my comic

Antworten Zuletzt bearbeitet am 16.10.2015 06:23 .


25, Männlich

  Pesky Urchin

Latula Pyrope Equius Zahhak

Beiträge: 8

Re: Badges/Achievements

von heirofvoid am 16.10.2015 06:31

i was wondering where my beloved handmaid badge had gone
im sure ill find like three accidentally and not earn the rest, as my website achievement legacy has always been
actually im kind of motivated to find them now i might have to stop lurking for more than 2 minutes 



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